IPFW update frequency

Julian Elischer julian at elischer.org
Fri Mar 30 23:41:40 UTC 2007

Kevin Day wrote:
> On Mar 30, 2007, at 3:40 PM, Julian Elischer wrote:
>> I have been looking at the IPFW code recently, especially with respect 
>> to locking.
>> There are some things that could be done to improve IPFW's behaviour 
>> when processing packets, but some of these take a
>> toll (there is always a toll) on the 'updating' side of things.
>> For example. I can make IPFW lock-free during processing of packets 
>> (i.e. not holding any locks while traversing the
>> list) which would solve problems we have with lock-order reversals
>> when it needs to look at the socket layer (which needs socket layer 
>> locks). Unfortunatly this would make it a lot more expensive
>> in the case where new rules are being added to the list. possibly a LOT
>> more expensive. Now, this would only matter if one was adding (or 
>> deleting)
>> hundreds of rules per second to the firewall, but as I've discovered,
>> there's always SOMEONE that is doing the very thing you imagine that
>> no-one would ever do.
>> In my imagination, most of the people who did this sort of thing don't
>> need to do it any more as tables obviate the need for that sort of thing.
>> Is there anyone out there who is adding hundreds (or even dozens) of 
>> rules
>> per second on a continuous basis, or who wants rule changing to
>> be a really efficient operation?
>> (does it matter to you if it takes a few milliSecs to add a rule?)
>> Julian
> Would this apply to "dynamic rules", using the keep-state keyword? 
> That'd be a killer for us.


just to the main firewall list where rules a re put manually.

> If not, the only problem I'd have is that my ipfw startup script adds 
> about 20,000 rules on a reboot. 20,000 rules multiplied by any 
> significant amount of time would be bad, just from a 
> reboot-recovery-time angle. But, if it improved overall performance, I 
> probably wouldn't mind too much. :)

now, what could I add to the firewall to make that come down to, say, 100 rules?

I have the following in my list of things to add:
** adding of 'variables (registers) to hold values for the duration of the filter run. **
ipfw add 100 set (register number) value
ipfw add 100 set (register number) tablearg ip from table (x) to any
ipfw [action] if (register number) gt value  (lt,le,ge,eq,neq)
ipfw [action] if (register number) in table (x)  (registers and table values can be addresses)
** computed skipto **
ipfw skipto tablearg ip from table (2) to any
** adding items to tables automatically **
ipfw loadto table 3 (source, value) ip from any to table (3)
** ability to select WHICH table arg **
ipfw skipto tablearg2 ip from table (1) to table (2)


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