CARP Question

Andrea Venturoli ml.diespammer at
Thu Mar 15 20:07:35 UTC 2007

Stefan Lambrev wrote:

> man carp:
>    net.inet.carp.preempt     Allow virtual hosts to preempt each other.  It
>                              is also used to failover carp interfaces as a
>                              group.  When the option is enabled and one of
>                              the carp enabled physical interfaces goes 
> down,
>                              advskew is changed to 240 on all carp inter-
>                              faces.  See also the first example.  Disabled
>                              by default.

Yes, I had read that.
Since this two boxes are, amidst other things, acting as routers, I do 
want the interface pair to go into master state all at once.
However I had understood that, once the other box comes up again, the 
two interfaces which had switched should go back to backup state and be 
masters on the alive-again host.
In other words, after one server solved its troubles, I should have the 
initial status again.
How can I accomplish this?

BTW, I used to have this working on 4.x using the now discontinued 
freevrrpd port. I can't believe this is not possible anymore now.

  bye & Thanks

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