Thinking about IPv6 and DEPRECATED addresses

Tsuyoshi MOMOSE t-momose at
Sun Mar 4 16:46:25 UTC 2007

On 2007/03/02, at 21:59, Randall Stewart wrote:

> Well it might meet some of them.. I need to know when DAD is done, but
> also if a interface detaches.. aka stops hearing the RT adverts.. and
> then later starts hearing them again..
> I was thinking of all the various states V6 addresses go through..
> Now, I would love to look at your "patch" if you could send it
> to me.. and see if it can be the basis for what I want.

I have not the patch that focus the part yet, but SHISA has already  
the patch for NetBSD-current of whole MIP6.
It might be used for your purpose.

> Will you be at the WIDE meeting next week? Or maybe BSD Asia.
> If so maybe we could meet up to discuss this :-)

Unfortunately, maybe I will not neither.
But other SHISA guys will.
They will find you at the WIDE meeting and show you the NetBSD- 
current patch of SHISA.
And please discuss the issues what you think there.

Tsuyoshi MOMOSE / ももせつよし
momose at (Underconstruction)

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