kern/109815: wrong interface identifier at pfil_hooks for vlans + if_bridge

Eygene Ryabinkin rea-fbsd at
Sun Mar 4 16:06:22 UTC 2007

Good day, the freebsd-net readers.

Perhaps someone can look at the kern/109815 and provide some
feedback. Citing my PR:

> >When if_bridge is used to gather multiple vlan interfaces that have
> >the same physical parent (I will call such vlan interfaces the 'vlan
> >group') the interface identifier that will be passed to the
> >pfil_hooks will be sometimes wrong. For all packets coming from the
> >'vlan group' and destined to some local interface the incoming interface
> >passed to the pfil_hooks will be the last interface in that group
> >regardless of the actual incoming interface. The 'last interface' is
> >the interface that was added to the if_bridge at the very last 'addm'
> >command.
> >
> >The problem is lying in the fact that MAC addresses of the 'vlan group'
> >are just the same and they are equal to the MAC address of the parent
> >interface. And the check for the unicat packet that is destined for
> >'us' in the if_bridge.c:bridge_input() is walking by the list of the
> >if_bridge-attached interfaces and compares the MAC addresses to the
> >packet's one. Once match is found the interface in the packet header
> >will be rewritten to the found list entry's one. Apparently such
> >code flow will select the last added interface from the 'vlan group'
> >because FreeBSD list macros are adding list members to the beginning
> >of the linked list.
> >
> >BPF will receive the right interface, because it is tapped before
> >bridge_input (in if_ethersubr.c).

Roman Kurakin suggested that the patch can break some things:

Sun, Mar 04, 2007 at 01:08:40AM +0300, Roman Kurakin wrote:
> The idea behind current code could be that in case of bridge the
> interface for which this packet in?nded is much more important
> than the physical interface it is arrived from.
> If this is the case, than it would be much better do the same logic
> for ifp and in case it is not that interface to check the list.
> This will fix the problem in case of vlans and will leave the old
> behavior for the other cases.
> Any comments?

I've slightly elaborated his idea and commented on it:
Sun, Mar 04, 2007 at 09:22:03AM +0300, Eygene Ryabinkin wrote:
> So, you're saying the following: let us have two interfaces in the
> bridge ifA and ifB with the MAC-A and MAC-B. In the current situation
> packet coming from the physical interface ifA but destined to the
> MAC-B, then the interface seen by the packet filter will be ifB and
> not the ifA. Right?
> In principle, this situation can be used for something. But then we
> should at least teah BPF to behave this way, because as you remember
> from spending three hours before the console with me and trying to
> diagnose the problem with tcpdump we were amazed to see the discrepance
> between bpf and pfil. So it should be at least documented.
> But as I understand, my patch will let the described situation to
> work as usual -- packets will still be delivered to the ifB, but
> packet filter will see the physical incoming interface. The patch
> should not break the delivery of the packet since all I do is the
> change of the rcvif. Or I am wrong?

I traced the current if_bridge.c behaviour to the NetBSD's if_bridge.c
1.9. This was the first version in that the firewall hooks were
introduced. And the assumtion that the MAC identifies the physical
interfaces was used in this first version.

And a question: can anyone say if my patch will break some known
good behaviour and if the current behaviour of if_bridge is based
on some logic I am currently failing to understand.

Thank you!

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