kern/113548: [dummynet] [patch] system hangs with dummynet queues

Cristian KLEIN cristi at
Mon Jun 11 21:10:14 UTC 2007

The following reply was made to PR kern/113548; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Cristian KLEIN <cristi at>
To: bug-followup at,  littlesavage at
Subject: Re: kern/113548: [dummynet] [patch] system hangs with dummynet queues
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 23:35:21 +0300

 I think the problem occurs because you use ipfw tags. As far as I know,
 ipfw tags are stored as mbuf_tags(9). Dummynet uses mbuf tags too to
 mark it's own packets. However, I suspect that in dn_tag_get(), dummynet
 incorrectly assumes it is the only one using mbuf_tags(9).
 Could you please apply the following patch? Also, could you test whether
 removing "tag 1" from ipfw rules has any impact?
 --- ip_dummynet.c.orig  Sat Jul 29 11:24:12 2006
 +++ ip_dummynet.c       Mon Jun 11 23:27:34 2007
 @@ -412,7 +412,7 @@
  static struct dn_pkt_tag *
  dn_tag_get(struct mbuf *m)
 -    struct m_tag *mtag = m_tag_first(m);
 +    struct m_tag *mtag = m_tag_find(m, PACKET_TAG_DUMMYNET, NULL);
      KASSERT(mtag != NULL &&
             mtag->m_tag_cookie == MTAG_ABI_COMPAT &&
             mtag->m_tag_id == PACKET_TAG_DUMMYNET,
 | Cristian KLEIN                      |
 | Network Engineer                    |
 | Communication Center                |
 | Technical University of Cluj-Napoca |
 | Tel: +40-264-401247, int. 247       |
 | WWW:        |

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