Computer hangs after creating 30,000 one2many netgraph nodes

Martha Pasikatan magpasikat at
Fri Jul 27 11:39:20 UTC 2007


I tried running a script that does nothing but create 50,000 netgraph nodes.  After creating about 30,000 netgraph nodes, the computer crashes.  I tried this with the tee node but it was able to successfully create 50,000 nodes.  Can I know what the limits of each netgraph nodes are?  How to identify when the limit has been reached?  I'm using an application that makes use of the netgraph library and during stress testing it keeps hanging because of this.  If anyone can give me a solution to prevent the system from hanging out of using too many netgraph nodes, that would be appreciated.

I'm attaching the script I used for creating 50,000 netgraph nodes.  Before running a script I created one one2many node named node0.

Any help, ideas, corrections are appreciated.


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