Question about bce driver

David Christensen davidch at
Thu Jul 12 22:10:59 UTC 2007

> Firstly I am not trying to slate David's efforts, however 
> there are and 
> have been some big problems with the driver.
> As for the IPMI integration, our management controllers are 
> set to used 
> the remote access controller NIC (Set as dedicated in the 
> bios) rather 
> than share the host nics.
> Unfortunately I can not justify spending the time on the driver to 
> management when the problem can be solved by spending a 
> relatively small 
> amount of money on hardware to fix the problem.

I'm sorry I haven't been able to get to the root of your problems
Tom.  My biggest challenge is trying to duplicate the a loaded system
which seems to be an important component of the failure you're seeing.
Simply blasting traffic with netperf hasn't been much of a challenge
as it runs over the weekend at line rate without a hiccup.  If
anyone has an idea on how to load the system (which means regular
failures by the driver to allocate mbufs) I'd definitely appreciate
hearing it so that I can duplicate Tom's environment.  It's certainly
important to me that the driver perform well and I won't stop looking
at the problem if you do decide to jump ship.


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