Again two ADSL lines, routing problems

Andrea Venturoli ml at
Thu Jul 12 12:19:05 UTC 2007

Eric F Crist ha scritto:

 > The biggest problem one would have with this sort of setup, is the 
upstream provider support.  I don't know of any ISP's that are going to 
be willing or even able to propagate routes for your static IPs through 
their DSL systems.  If you want that sort of redundancy and support, 
you'll probably have to go to a higher-end business class solution, such 
as a T1 or even possibly an ISDN line.

In fact I was speaking about an hypotetical in-house solution.
Some kind of stateful deamon on the line of natd that makes it so that 
if connection x comes from MAC address y, then answer through gateway z 
(the IP corresponding to MAC address y).

  bye & Thanks

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