jhall at vandaliamo.net jhall at vandaliamo.net
Tue Jan 23 16:43:06 UTC 2007

I currently administer a system which has two DHCP servers on two
different VLANs.  Unfortunately, the two servers are not playing together
well and some comptuers are receiving IP addresses on the wrong network. 
So, with our phone vendor's blessing, I am trying to move all of the DHCP
services to the FreeBSD server.

The computers on the network are supposed to receive an IP address on the
default vlan and the phones are supposed to receive an IP address on their

Essentially what happens when a phone is booted, the phone receives an IP
address on the default VLAN, releases that address and then requests an IP
address on the appropriate VLAN.

How do I specify to FreeBSD which VLAN should be the default?  I have read
some information which seems to be conflicting.  One article indicated
vlan0 is the default vlan, and another seemed to indicate vlan1 was the
default vlan.

Or, have I just overcomplicated this?

Thanks for your help.


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