IPFilter 5.0.0 - feedback?

Darren Reed darrenr at hub.freebsd.org
Thu Jan 18 00:36:50 UTC 2007


So i've been implementing some new features in ipfilter, whether
or not they make it a 5.0, I'm not sure...maybe a few people can
let me know what they think about that..

So what are these new features?

There are 3 new commands for ipnat.conf:

rewrite - change both source and address fields for incoming or
          outgoing packets
encap - encapsulated the packet in a new IP header (this will be
        compatible, I hope, with IPENCAP tunnels elsewhere0
divert - encapsulate the packet into an IP+UDP packet

To help people use these, I've rewritten the ipnat.conf man page.

A divert rule looks like this:
divert in on le0 proto udp from any to any port = 53 ->
        src,54 dst,5300;

note the ";" on the end of the line.  to the left of the "->" is
the original packet to be matched, on the right, the IP/UDP header
to create and put in front of the packet.  Reply packets from that
socket will have the IP+UDP headers removed when they get back to
IPFilter.  I'm hoping this will provide cross-platform "divert"
functionality but it needs more widespread testing than what I've
been able to achieve.

*** I'm especially interested in hearing from people who use the
*** divert feature and sockets in ipfw about how this compares
*** with what they do and/or if they'd find it useful.

encap is pretty much the same as divert, minus the port numbers to
the right of "->".

Rewrites have a subset of the combined functionality of rdr/map rules.
As an example of how the man page has been rewritten, I've included the
contents of it for this new command below.

You can now use ipmon.conf to as the place to specify how log records
are sent to syslog (facility & priority) rather than needing to do it
in filter rules.

As part of the "keep state" options, you can now specify a rule group
to which ICMP replies can be filtered by - "... keep state(icmp-head

It is also now possible to position stateful filtering checks, inbound
and outbound nat lookups.  If this is done, the traditional checks are
no longer performed.  This is done as follows:

call now fr_checkstate in on le0 from any to any
call now fr_ipfnatin in on ppp0 all
call now fr_ipfnatout out on bge0 from bge0/32 to any

Oh, being 5.0.0, it is a development version, there's nothing release
quality about it (well, you might argue that for others too .. >:->),
this is just to get some feedback from people on features and enable
some people to try/test a few things out beyond my limited scope.
Perhaps most importantly, most of my work to date has been limited to
using NetBSD.


MD5 (/home/darrenr/ip_fil5.0.0.tar.gz) = 7798797c1929cb55c182d3088f40b0b5

       Whilst the above two commands provide a lot of flexibility in 
       addressing  fields  in packets, often it can be of benefit to
       both source and destination at the same time or to  change  the 
       address  on  input  or the destination address on output.  Doing
all of
       these things can be accomplished using rewrite NAT rules.

       A rewrite rule requires the same level of packet  matching  as 
       protocol  and  source/destination  information  but  in addition
       either in or out to be specified like this:

       rewrite in on ppp0 proto tcp from any to any port = 80 ->
            src 0/0 dst,3128;
       rewrite out on ppp0 from any to any ->
            src 0/32 dst;

       On the RHS we can specify both new source and  destination 
       to  place  into the packet being sent out.  As with other rules
used in
       ipnat.conf, there are shortcuts syntaxes available to use the 
       address  information  (0/0) and the address associated with the
       interface (0/32.)  For TCP and UDP, both address and  port 
       can  be  changed.   At  present it is only possible to specify
either a
       range of port numbers to be used (X-Y) or a single port number (=
X) as

       rewrite in on le0 proto tcp from any to any port = 80 ->
            src 0/0,2000-20000 dst,port = 3128;

       There  are four fields that are stepped through in enumerating
the num-
       ber space available for creating a new destination:

       source address

       source port

       destination address

       destination port

       If one of these happens to be a static then it will be skipped
and  the
       next one incremented.  As an example:

       rewrite out on le0 proto tcp from any to any port = 80 ->
            src,5000-5999 dst,6000-6999;

       The translated packets would be:
       1st src=,5000 dst=,6000

       2nd src=,5000 dst=,6000

       3rd src=,5001 dst=,6000

       4th src=,5001 dst=,6000

       5th src=,5001 dst=,6001

       6th src=,5001 dst=,6001

       and so on.

       As  with  map  rules, it is possible to specify a range of
addresses by
       including the word range before the addresses:

       rewrite from any to any port = 80 ->
            src - dst -;

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