Wireless NIC recommendation

Lars Stokholm lars.stokholm at gmail.com
Mon Jan 15 18:38:20 UTC 2007

Lars Stokholm wrote:
> Hi, I hope someone can help me with this, before I go mad (no pun 
> intended.) :)
> I was initially looking for a relatively cheap 54Mbps, 802.11g- and 
> WPA-capable network card, based on an Atheros chipset, but after 
> spending the whole of last night looking for one - to no avail - I 
> gave up.
> I'm almost about to conclude that Atheros is not the way to go. So now 
> I want to know, if anyone can recommend ANY card, being cheap and 
> supporting the features mentioned above. I don't mind using NDIS, as 
> long as it works flawlessly. Also it would be good, if the card was a 
> popular one, so community support is more available.
> Thanks.

Oops, forgot to add that it must be PCI.

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