Networking FreeBSD Wiki

Bruce M. Simpson bms at
Tue Feb 27 00:10:57 UTC 2007

gnn at wrote:
>> George, maybe there should be a separate category in GNATS also, for
>> network issues?
> Instead of being in kern you mean?  I have thought that before but I
> don't control GNATS and we'd have to review a lot of bugs.
I have noticed there has been a gradual effort over time by the 
Bugmeisters to classify bugs by putting [netinet] or other strings in 
the one-line bug synopsis.

Whilst this is a great help, it still doesn't address many of the issues 
we have with GNATS, upon which consensus has not yet been reached as to 
how to go forward.

Personally, I'd like to blow GNATS up and replace it with Bugzilla.


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