"route add" how it behaves
Kather Rafi -TLS,Chennai
katherrafi at hcl.in
Tue Feb 13 16:43:12 UTC 2007
Hi all,
I am new to FreeBSD.
I want to know how the "route add " is working for the network routes
and host routes in the case of with out specifying the gateway.
In linux we can add like "route add -host eth0" but in
FreeBSD it should be like "route add -host -iface fxp0"
I want to know
1. how the flag -iface provides gateway to the route inside
the kernel.?
2. If it does not provide the gateway address how it
identifies the ifaddr inside the kernel (ie interface address for the
particular interface)?
Thanks and Regards ,
Kather Rafi Ibrahim
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