Serious Bind issue

Doug Barton dougb at
Thu Feb 8 20:46:52 UTC 2007

In the future, please don't cross post to both freebsd-questions, and
another list at the same time. Thanks.

Steven Bens wrote:
> Dear mailinglist members,
> I have an serious issue with bind.
> System information:
> Dual P3 1 GHz
> 6.1-RELEASE-p12 FreeBSD
> SMP kernel
> I'm running BIND 9.3.2 on this box (the one that is standard delivered with
> 6.1)
> And when the named is running for a copple of hours. Bind doesn't accept TCP
> connections

In an ideal world you would upgrade to the latest RELENG_6 and pick up
all the bug fixes in the OS, plus the latest version of BIND. If
that's not possible for some reason, your best bet is to upgrade to
the latest BIND from the ports, make sure that you build it WITHOUT
threads, and see if that resolves the issue for you.

If it doesn't resolve your issue, you'd be better off sending a
message to the bind-users at list.




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