Stale PCI ID

Jack Vogel jfvogel at
Fri Sep 15 19:40:47 PDT 2006

On 9/15/06, Gleb Smirnoff <glebius at> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 11, 2006 at 02:02:58PM -0700, Jack Vogel wrote:
> J> In the last attempt to merge community CVS with Intel internal code I
> J> came across an issue I'd like to bring up.
> J>
> J> There is an ancient e1000 card, pci id 1000, an 82542, that we
> J> don't have in our source, yet community cvs still does. Support
> J> for this was removed from Linux long ago because the card did
> J> not even work.
> J>
> J> I just had our test group hunt up one of these and test, and sure
> J> enough, the driver recognizes it, but it does NOT pass traffic.
> J>
> J> Clearly no one is using these, at least not with STABLE :) and
> J> as Intel does not want to support this I would recommend removing
> J> the ID from the driver.
> J>
> J> Comments?
> It should be removed then. When merging the Intel versions of driver to
> FreeBSD, I've noticed that some PCI IDs disappeared from vendor driver.
> Since I couldn't obtain any comments from the release tarball, I decided
> to be on safe side and leave these PCI IDs in the driver untouched.
> Which exact one are you speaking about? The E1000_DEV_ID_82542, that is
> equal to 0x1000 is supported by em-6.1.4 vendor's driver.

I AM the vendor :)  And I believe that the 0x1000 ID crept into my code
from merging with your tree :) Our test group came back to me and
said 'hey, this is old and we don't think these boards even work' , so
I told them to test, they did, and sure enough, it wouldnt even pass

There is actually 3 different rev boards, and rumor has it that the
last revision would work, but I think its better to just drop the thing.



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