showing esp tunnels in routing table

Eric W. Bates ericx_lists at
Wed Sep 6 07:58:21 PDT 2006

Phil Regnauld wrote:
> Eric W. Bates (ericx_lists) writes:
>> When you establish an esp tunnel, the subnets on the remote end of the
>> tunnel do not seem to appear in either "netstat -nr" or 'route get
>> Is there a way to display those routes other than using setkey to dump
>> the SPD's?
> 	No, because there are no routes.  The IPSec layer "hijacks" the packets
> 	and they are encapsulated before the routing table gets a chance
> 	to see them.
> 	You would have to setup transport ESP + gif/gre tunnels to see routing
> 	entries.

Apparently, openbsd's implementation of netstat allows one to view ESP
'flows' (I believe that is how they refer to them) by examining the
family 'encap'

netstat -rnf encap

We have no such equivalent?

> 	Phil

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