Help moving from local lan to internet

Ed Pigg ed at
Thu May 25 11:10:29 PDT 2006

On May 25, 2006, at 12:54 PM, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:

> On Thu, 25 May 2006, Ed Pigg wrote:
>> Now when the server starts it hangs for aboutn 5 minutes when the 
>> "starting
>> sshd" message is displayed. I can ping the name servers, but nslookup 
>> times
>> out when querying well known web sites. I must have overlooked 
>> something or
>> left something out? Any help appreciated.
> Just because you can ping a nameserver doesn't mean that the name 
> server
> is there (or available for you).
> You can easily test by using some other nameserver (unless you have 
> some
> firewall restrictions somewhere). For example, does the following work 
> for
> you?

Thanks Jeremy! You made me go back and look at the firewall rules 
again. Sure enough I was only accepting upd 53 from the name servers on 
the development lan. Once I changed the rule everything worked as I 

Ed Pigg

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