IPSEC Interop problem with Cisco using multiple SA's

David DeSimone fox at verio.net
Tue May 9 03:04:31 UTC 2006

Eugene M. Kim <ab at astralblue.net> wrote:
> I haven't tried this myself, but you may want to try using
> "unique:<policy-id>" instead of "require" as the policy level

After reading up on this behavior, I gave it a try, replacing all
"require" policies with "unique".  I found that there was no need to
set a policy identifier, as the system apparently chooses a random
identifier if none is specified, and so all SPD's create unique SAD's as
a result.

The result leads to exactly the behavior that I (and Cisco) expect to
see, and my mutiple tunnels are now fully operational.

Thank you for the help with this!

David DeSimone == Network Admin == fox at verio.net
  "It took me fifteen years to discover that I had no
   talent for writing, but I couldn't give it up because
   by that time I was too famous.  -- Robert Benchley

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