Which NIC is better: fxp or dc?

Dmitry Pryanishnikov dmitry at atlantis.dp.ua
Sat Mar 25 12:39:40 UTC 2006


   Suppose you have to build a high-performance router with several NICs,
and you have to use a mix of D-Link DFE-570TX (21143, MII, quad port) served
by dc(4), and several Intel 82558/9/0 adapters served by fxp(4). Router
has to have 2-3 high-speed connections and several ones which lower speed
and packet rate. Which NIC (dc or fxp) would you recommend for high-speed
connections: dc or fxp? Which combo (NIC+driver) is more reliable? Which
gives higher performance (reliability for me is more significant than
performance)? Currently I'm using RELENG_4, but in the future I'll upgrade
to RELENG_6 (when it becomes mature enough), so I'm interested in the
state of affairs in both branches.

Sincerely, Dmitry
Atlantis ISP, System Administrator
e-mail:  dmitry at atlantis.dp.ua
nic-hdl: LYNX-RIPE

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