multiple routing tables

Andre Oppermann andre at
Mon Mar 20 21:44:34 UTC 2006

Julian Elischer wrote:
> I'm looking at a problem where I want onemachine to really look like 2.
> this means I want to have 2 separate routing tables if possible.
> I know I could do it with eas if I could user Marco Zec's vimage patches
> but I need to have a path forward to 6.x and beyond
> An answer would be to re-implement vimage for newer versions of FreeBSD but
> it's a bit of overkill and I was wondering if anyone had done anything
> in this direction?
> Basically just allowing a jail to specify a different routing table
> would be enough....

Why do you need two routing tables?  Do you run different routing daemons
in the jails?  Do you have different default gateways for the jails?  Just
trying to understand your requirements and usage of this feature.


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