Crews Weston godfathers at
Thu Mar 16 07:16:00 UTC 2006

added :
     A quarter of an hour later, to  the astonishment  of  the people in the
restaurant, on the  boulevard and at the  windows of the surrounding houses,
the  barman, the  porter, a policeman, a waiter and the poet Ryukhin were to
be seen emerging from  the gates  of Griboyedov dragging a young man trussed
up like a  mummy, who was weeping, spitting,  lashing  out  at  Ryukhin  and
shouting for the whole street to hear :
     'You swine! . . . You swine! . . . '
     A buzzing  crowd collected, discussing  the incredible scene. It was of
course an  abominable,  disgusting, thrilling,  revolting scandal which only
ended when  a  lorry drove  away from the gates  of Griboyedov carrying  the
unfortunate Ivan Nikolayich, the policeman, the barman and Ryukhin.
At half past one in the morning  a man with a pointed beard and wearing
a  white overall  entered the reception hall of a  famous psychiatric clinic
recently completed in  the  suburbs of Moscow. Three orderlies  and the poet
Ryukhin  stood nervously watching Ivan Nikolayich as he sat on  a divan. The
dish-cloths that had been used to  pinion  Ivan Nikolayich now lay in a heap

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