VPN with FAST_IPSEC and ipsec tools

Michael Vince mv at thebeastie.org
Tue Jun 27 06:32:07 UTC 2006

David DeSimone wrote:

>- -- 
>David DeSimone == Network Admin == fox at verio.net
I got it going!
Its working like a dream now.
I don't have a for sure reason why it wasn't working but my best guess 
is it was one that actually boiled down to a silly mistake as you suggested.

I feel quite silly as it appears after some testing whats was holding it 
back was simply failing to reload the ipsec rules properly.
Most if not all the time I was doing /etc/rc.d/ipsec restart, when I 
should of been either using setkey manually or /etc/rc.d/ipsec reload.
After looking at the ipsec shell that the restart function doesn't do 
the equivalent effect as 'reload'
Personally I see this as a trap any one could fall into.

Big thanks to you, as if you weren't there I probably would of given up 
earlier and had to replace the gateway with something else altogether.


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