multiple DSL modems and pppoe sessions on the same ethernet ?

Chris Dionissopoulos dionch at
Thu Jul 27 15:50:20 UTC 2006

Hello Luigi,

Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 7:16:19 PM, you wrote:

>> >  
>> >     ------+--------------+--------------+--------------+-----
>> >           |              |              |              |
>> >           +-[modem1]     +-[modem2]     +-[modem3]     +-[FreeBSD/ppp]
>> >               DSL#1          DSL#2          DSL#3 
> ...
>> if your switch supports vlan and 802.1q encapsulation, you would create

> it doesn't so not applicable.

>> another approach is to use 3 ng_ether interfaces with custom mac
>> addresses defined and linked to the same ng_bridge node with physical:

> hmmm, i think this won't work either, because each PADI
> frame will reach all modems so i cannot differentiate
> among the replies.

As long as pppoe PADI(*) using broadcast mac (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
as destination there is no solution to distinguish them using a
single broadcast domain(=LAN) (only one broadcast addr for each broadcast domain).

How about to patch this netgraph node?

Adding a "dstmac" argument which changes destination mac for each
transmitted packet, makes you free to use 3 mangled ng_ether(4)
virtual nics in your ppp.conf. If it doesn't breaks anything
(pppoe standart) it will work. right?

And off course, using 3 physicals cross linked to each modem is the (obvious)


Best regards,
 Chris                            mailto:dionch at

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