Named could not listen on UDP socket: permission denied

Gleb Kozyrev gkozyrev at
Fri Jan 27 08:54:29 PST 2006

Oleg Tarasov wrote to <freebsd-net at> on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 17:01:50 +0200:

OT> I run FreeBSD 6.0 and I have begun to recieve quite periodic error
OT> messages like these:

OT> Jan 25 19:45:50 central named[728]: could not listen on UDP socket: permission denied
OT> Jan 25 19:45:50 central named[728]: creating IPv4 interface ng0 failed;
OT> interface ignored

OT> ng0 is my main internet interface and is created on early boot
OT> (rcordered like ppp-user) by mpd. Certainly, I need DNS listening on
OT> this interface.

OT> The reason is that if mpd is restarted for some reason, interface ng0
OT> is destroyed and created again while listener on this interface is
OT> destroyed too. Named is chrooted at this time and cannot re-bind
OT> listener on this interface. Only manual restart of named helps it bind
OT> to this interface.

OT> This is not deadly situation as if I manually restart mpd I will be
OT> able to restart named too...

OT> Running named under root user or out of chroot environment is not
OT> quite acceptable way...

OT> Please tell me if this problem has a solution other then above

Maybe this can help you:

With best regards, Gleb Kozyrev. 

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