VPN when host is not gateway

Tiago Cruz tiagocruz at b4br.net
Fri Jan 27 02:34:19 PST 2006

On Thu, 2006-01-26 at 23:50 +0000, Nate Nielsen wrote:

> > So, my questions is this: How I make this route?
> I guess either with the 'route' command or by running a routing protocol
> like RIP or OSPF.

Thank you, but I can do this:

I make this route at my FreeBSD gateway:

cat /usr/local/etc/rc.d/routes.sh
route delete &> /dev/null
route add -net -netmask &>/dev/null

And now all works very good :-)


Tiago Cruz
Linux User #282636

"The box said: Requires MS Windows or better, so I installed Linux"

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