em driver + VLAN's

Sten Spans sten at blinkenlights.nl
Wed Jan 18 12:20:15 PST 2006

On Wed, 18 Jan 2006, Doug Ambrisko wrote:

> Dave Raven writes:
> | FreeBSD 4.9 - char em_driver_version[] = "1.7.16";
> |
> | I've tried multiple bridge configurations - from bridging just em0,em1 to
> | bridging two vlan's attached to each card. Unfortunately I don't have access
> | to the box at the moment - if its still necessary I will fetch the
> | information tomorrow (ifconfig etc)
> |
> | To sum up its something like the following
> | 	net.inet.ether.bridge_config=em0,em1
> | 	net.inet.ether.bridge=1
> |
> | Or vlan0,vlan1 with:
> | 	ifconfig vlan0 create
> | 	ifconfig vlan1 create
> | 	ifconfig vlan0 vlan 100 vlandev em0
> | 	ifconfig vlan1 vlan 100 vlandev em1
> |
> |
> | If I change to using fxp it immediately works..
> I think you will find you are bridging in promiscous mode and the
> HW VLAN stuff isn't there.  You should try to bridge the vlan devices
> or disable the VLAN HW (driver hack).  It works with the fxp0 since you
> are using SW VLAN so the HW part isn't grabing it.  I've done the driver
> hack for some things I needed to do.

what about vlanhwtag (ifconfig) ?
according to the em manpage it is disabled by default
so this setup should work.

Sten Spans

"There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in."
Leonard Cohen - Anthem

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