DHCPD + Relay

Jon Otterholm jon.otterholm at ide.resurscentrum.se
Mon Jan 9 12:00:03 PST 2006


I want to set up a DHCP-server for a number of subnets. My current 
router (Cisco) has a dhcp-relay function (ip helper) to put on each if 
in the router to make it answer and forward requests to the dhcp-server.

I am having trouble to get isc-dhcp-server to start up without a 
subnet-declaration for a local subnet.

su-2.05b# dhcpd
Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Server V3.0.3
Copyright 2004-2005 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit http://www.isc.org/sw/dhcp/
Wrote 0 leases to leases file.

No subnet declaration for bge1 (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx).
** Ignoring requests on bge1.  If this is not what
   you want, please write a subnet declaration
   in your dhcpd.conf file for the network segment
   to which interface bge1 is attached. **

No subnet declaration for bge0 (yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy).
** Ignoring requests on bge0.  If this is not what
   you want, please write a subnet declaration
   in your dhcpd.conf file for the network segment
   to which interface bge0 is attached. **

Not configured to listen on any interfaces!

How can i make it start up without a declaration for the local subnets?


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