Reverse Path Filtering check in ip_input.c

Łukasz Bromirski lukasz at
Tue Jan 3 12:36:04 PST 2006

Julian Elischer wrote:

> Several routes with the same dest would be interesting but how do you
> select between them?

Via some sort of load-balancing or policy routing mechanism on
network stack level? There is so much we miss in current FreeBSD stack
in this area it's hard to say some single feature will change
everything completely.

I only mentioned OpenBSD KAME import because they are clearly going
for having multihomed router fully operable and we're lacking in this
area. Also, Henning, Claudio and other team members push for
routing protocols interoperability (OpenOSPFd and OpenBGPd integration)
which again is far from what we're currently able to do and

Andre as I understand is cleaning code and making everything run a lot
faster (especially routing operation optimization is great thing), but
I'm worried that being able to have things like administrative distance
for various routing protocols (which would enable router with for
example OSPF and BGP to choose routes from both protocols in clear
selection process), ability to store few paths for the same destination
via different interfaces or next-hops is a long road ahead. But there's
always someone who has to do first step... ;)

this space was intentionally left blank    |            Łukasz Bromirski
you can insert your favourite quote here   |        lukasz:bromirski,net

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