TCP_COMPAT_42 support

Julian Stacey jhs at
Mon Feb 27 12:27:19 PST 2006

Anyone know if modern FreeBSD still supports TCP_COMPAT_42 ?

I'm trying to connect to my Symmetric 375 ( An NSC 32016 running BSD 4.2 ),
hardware by Bill Jollitz, 2M of main RAM, rather small kernel
& of course I dont have full sources, & the reconfig kernel kit has
problems so I live with manufacturers old kernel.

Symmetric 375 used to work with all my FreeBSD hosts, ref TCP_COMPAT_42 in my
But maybe Ive compiled newer kernel on all FreeBSd hosts by now.

I guess more laptops running FreeBSD will in a month or 2 at be trying to connect to various other old BSD4.2
type vaxen & such.)

Would be nice if we have support still, anyone know if it was thrown
away ?  Only TCP_COMPAT_42 I see in src/ is:

PS If anyone knows that eg FreeBSD chucked it, but Net Or Open BSD
still supports it please give a shout. I suppose I could install
NET as a bridge.

BTW I posted a similar question on symmetric @ berklix ....
but that's a mighty small list these days, just 6 of us !
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Julian Stacey.  Consultant Unix Net & Sys. Eng., Munich.
Mail in Ascii, HTML=spam.     Ihr Rauch = meine allergischen Kopfschmerzen.

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