border mx

Alexei root at
Wed Dec 20 00:53:35 PST 2006

Hello, Andrew.

20 декабря 2006 г., 11:46:30 you wrote:

> A couple of pointers:

> 1) You are right in not wanting to directly connect a
>    192.168.x.x address to the internet, your ISP
>    wouldn't appreciate that ;)

Em.. Sorry, I dont' understand you.

> 2) Spamwise, the gw mx should be able to tell a valid
>    (internal) address from an invalid one. There are
>    different approaches, from importing aliases db
>    from Exchange at regular intervals to verifying
>    addresses over SMTP and what not.

gw, exchange and users are in one subnet. So.. gw will see both
forward and reverse records.

 Alexei                          mailto:root at

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