question for TCP gurus (in ipfw)

Julian Elischer julian at
Thu Dec 14 11:32:33 PST 2006

Andre Oppermann wrote:

>> or
>> 2/ instead of ACKing all the data in the packet we are resetting,
>> how about just ACKing the sequence number it starts with
>> and saving ourselves from doing the work of ACKing all the  data
>> up to the current packet end. (which is the packet we are rejecting 
>> anyhow) (It takes some calculation to work out the new ack value
>> which seems pointless as we are rejecting it..)
> Section 3 of this document describes the situation and requirements
> quite accurately:

So it sounds like, if the sequence number is in the window but
not exact, the receiver sends an ACK which should force the
sender to generate another RST that exactly matches.
(is that correct?)

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