Zeroconfig and Multicast DNS

Fredrik Lindberg fli+freebsd-net at
Thu Aug 24 20:00:36 UTC 2006

Brooks Davis wrote:
> The right way to deal with this is almost certainly to adopt the KAME
> %interface decoration for link local addresses.  LLAs are meaningless
> outside the context of an interface.  Unless you only have one interface
> with an LLA, you must know which interface you are addressing to know
> where to send the packet.  While you can hack around this in some cases
> by trying all of them and hoping there aren't any collisions, I think
> that's the wrong way to go.

I don't know how familiar you are with the IPv6 code, but are you (or
somebody else) able to estimate in a short summary what would be
required to adopt the %interface decoration for IPv4?
If it turns out to be a very large task, will it still be worth it?

Fredrik Lindberg

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