Libpcap based: packet generator + capture file editor + bridge for IEEE802.3 on FreeBSD

Mark Allman mallman at
Thu Apr 20 11:27:30 UTC 2006

>   Its capture file editor, bittwiste, allow you to change most fields
>   in Ethernet, ARP, IP, ICMP, TCP, and UDP headers and you can specify
>   your own payload. It is possible for the payload to cover the ICMP,
>   TCP, or UDP header itself (checksum is corrected
>   automatically). Tcprewrite (part of Tcpreplay suite) allows you to
>   change src/dst MAC/IP/port only, but, it supports VLAN frames
>   (Bit-Twist does not).

I haven't tried either one of these, but will note that my favorite
program in this space - if one wants to hack interactively - is
"netdude", which is available from sourceforge.  FWIW.


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