Trying to make a Host into a gigabit hub for testing
Chris Dionissopoulos
dionch at
Wed Oct 19 17:28:48 PDT 2005
SS>I am setting up a test environment with multiple IDS's. ngctl looks
like a solution but it is not broadcasting all packets to all interfaces
as the documentation appears to state it should. I've probably made
some error in configuration.
SS>My goal is to put em0 into a spanned port in promiscuous mode and
broadcast all traffic from that port out the other network interfaces.
I plan on having em0 (gigabit) and 6 other gigabit interfaces. Each
will then echo the same traffic to six other machines (IDS's) for testing.
SS>The proof of concept with a gigabit (EM0) and 4 10/100 ethernets
(sfx). The 10/100's will be replaced for implementation.
SS>Any help would be appreciated. My config follows:
Why to use ng_fec and ng_one2many together?
how about something simplier, like:
+----------+ -->-sf0:lower--->wire
wire>--em:lower->| one2many | -->-sf1:lower--->wire
| | -->-sf2:lower--->wire
+----------+ -->sf3:lower--->wire
ngctl mkpeer em0: one2many lower one
ngctl name em0:lower o2m
ngctl connect sf0: o2m lower many0
ngctl connect sf1: o2m lower many1
ngctl connect sf2: o2m lower many2
ngctl connect sf3: o2m lower many3
ngctl msg o2m setconfig "{ xmitAlg=2 failAlg=1 enabledLinks=[1 1 1 1 1] }"
ngctl msg sf0: setpromisc 1
ngctl msg sf0: setautosrc 0
ngctl msg sf1: setpromisc 1
ngctl msg sf1: setautosrc 0
ngctl msg sf2: setpromisc 1
ngctl msg sf2: setautosrc 0
ngctl msg sf3: setpromisc 1
ngctl msg sf3: setautosrc 0
ngctl msg em0: setpromisc 1
ngctl msg em0: setautosrc 0
This keeps kernel-stack isolated from traffic, I think
(and all interfaces involved layer2 unreachable from outsiders).
Just tell us if its working for you.
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