if_nge & if_lge drivers

Yuriy N. Shkandybin jura at networks.ru
Fri Oct 7 01:07:54 PDT 2005


I saw John Baldwin commit to if_lge.c rev 1.43 and perform same changes for if_nge.c
I've tested it and it  works.
Patch in attachment or available from

Also i've noticed if_lge affected same problem i've met nge.
In if_lgereg.h we have
struct lge_list_data {
        struct lge_rx_desc      lge_rx_list[LGE_RX_LIST_CNT];
        struct lge_tx_desc      lge_tx_list[LGE_TX_LIST_CNT];

In if_lge.c
524: sc->lge_ldata = contigmalloc(sizeof(struct lge_list_data), M_DEVBUF,
            M_NOWAIT, 0, 0xffffffff, PAGE_SIZE, 0);

So lge_rx_list and lge_tx_list  might be initialized with garbage in it.

But in lge_stop() there is:
         * Free data in the RX lists.
        for (i = 0; i < LGE_RX_LIST_CNT; i++) {
                if (sc->lge_ldata->lge_rx_list[i].lge_mbuf != NULL) {
                        sc->lge_ldata->lge_rx_list[i].lge_mbuf = NULL;

And lge_stop() called from lge_init()  (if_lge.c line 1242)
So m_freem() called on garbage from lge_rx_list!

I suggest to add M_ZERO to contigmalloc() flags for both if_nge.c and if_lge.c


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