dummynet, em driver, device polling issues :-((
Ferdinand Goldmann
ferdinand.goldmann at jku.at
Wed Oct 5 05:21:50 PDT 2005
Kevin Day wrote:
> In one case, we had a system acting as a router. It was a Dell PowerEdge
> 2650, with two dual "server" adapters. each were on separate PCI busses.
> 3 were "lan" links, and one was a "wan" link. The lan links were
> receiving about 300mbps each, all going out the "wan" link at near
> 900mbps at peak. We were never able to get above 944mbps, but I never
> cared enough to figure out where the bottleneck was there.
944mbps is a very good value, anyway. What we see in our setup are throuput
rates around 300mbps or below. When testing with tcpspray, throughput hardly
exceeded 13MB/s.
Are you running vlans on your interface? Our em0-card connects several sites
together, which are all sitting on separate vlan interfaces for which the em0
acts as parent interface.
> This was with PCI-X, and a pretty stripped config on the server side.
Maybe this makes a difference, too. We only have a quite old xSeries 330 with
PCI and a 1.2GHz CPU.
> Nothing fancy on polling, i think we set HZ to 10000
Ten-thousand? Or is this a typo, and did you mean thousand?
This is weird. :-( Please, is there any good documentation on tuning device
polling? The man page does not give any useful pointers about values to use for
Gbit cards. I have already read things about people using 2000, 4000HZ ... Gaaah!
I tried with 1000 and 2000 so far, without good results. It seems like
everybody makes wild assumptions on what values to use for polling.
>, turned on
> idle_poll, and set user_frac to 10 because we had some cpu hungry tasks
> that were not a high priority.
I think I red somewhere about problems with idle_poll. How high is your
burst_max value? Are you seeing a lot of ierrs?
*sigh* :-( confusing.
>> Ferdinand Goldmann //// | |
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