Hey everyone

Andre Oppermann andre at freebsd.org
Wed Nov 30 09:24:15 GMT 2005

Jack Vogel wrote:

Dear Jack,

> I wanted to introduce myself to the list. I am now the primary contact
> at Intel for our drivers. There was some earlier email I saw in the archive
> about 82571/2 support, and I want to confirm that that code is coming.

for a too long time Intel has abandoned their direct involvement in
the FreeBSD 'em' driver.  And you have two people with direct commit
rights to the FreeBSD CVS tree.

In the meantime we have taken the driver maintainance into our own
hands, have rewritten parts of it and got a lot more conforming code.
Not to mention that we were able to increase the performance significantly
too.  We have fixed many show-stopper bugs which were wedging the hardware
as well.

Before you continue development on your own FreeBSD driver please have a
very close look the version we have in our CVS tree.  You may benefit from
taking that as base and continue development from it instead of your own
code.  The CVS commit messages explain in much detail which problems we
found and how we solved them.

Intel would help us a lot if you would release the Erratas to your 'em'
chip famility.

> I hope to be adding some new feature support as well. I have been
> eyeing TSO which is going to need stack changes, if anyone out there
> has been working or just thinking about that get in touch with me about it.

We have already looked into TSO a bit and so far the result is inconclusive.
We may not want to make any large changes to the TCP code to faciliate any
particular TSO architecture.  To make the case in favor of supporting TSO
it has to be shown that is provides real-world benefits and extensive
benchmark results have to be provided.  Any changes to our TCP code to
support TSO must be well designed and be generic supporting other vendors
TSO as well.  However I must say that a really compelling has to be made
for TSO to justify the changes and the associated long term code maintainance
hurdles with it.

Please have a look at this paper discussing TSO among other things:


> In any case, I am kept quite busy but I will make every effort to be here
> and be as responsive as i can.

Please get in contact with Gelb Smirnoff <glebius at freebsd.org>, Pyun YongHyeon
<yongari at FreeBSD.org> and Scott Long <scottl at freebsd.org>.  Those folks have
assumed maintainership of the 'em' driver and contributed many important fixes
and performance enhancements.

For the time being I guess it is the best if we collect the direct CVS
access of pdeuskar and tackerman and you submit patches to 'em' through
one of the above contacts at FreeBSD.


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