Testing with a Cisco router

Mike Silbersack silby at silby.com
Sun Nov 13 02:56:54 PST 2005

On Sat, 12 Nov 2005, Mike Silbersack wrote:

> Does anyone have a Cisco router running an up to date version of IOS that 
> they would be willing to run some tests on for me?  I'm running tests vs the 
> TCP stacks of various operating systems for my eurobsdcon presentation, and 
> IOS is the one OS I can't seem to download and install inside VMWare. :)

Thanks to all who offered to help, too many people responded for me to 
reply to each person individually.

It turns out that a spare router running IOS 12.4 is only a few feet from 
a cluster of machines already set up for network testing purposes, so I'm 
going to give a go at that one.

Once again, thanks for all the offers.

Mike "Silby" Silbersack

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