sending MAC packets --- again, and again

Charles Swiger cswiger at
Sat May 21 09:56:55 PDT 2005

On May 21, 2005, at 12:27 PM, Daniel Valencia wrote:
> [ ...pcap reading code stalling... ]
> Is this normal pcap behaviour, or is it some
> FreeBSD-specific behaviour, or is it just me?

It's unfortunately normal.  You're running into this (from "man pcap"):

        NOTE: when reading a live capture, pcap_dispatch() will not 
        return  when  the  read  times out; on some platforms, the read 
        isn't supported, and, on other platforms, the timer doesn't 
start until
        at  least  one packet arrives.  This means that the read timeout 
        NOT be used in, for example, an interactive application, to  
allow  the
        packet capture loop to ``poll'' for user input periodically, as 
        no  guarantee  that  pcap_dispatch()  will  return  after  the  

You can help prompt the pcap timeout to work better by *sending* a 
packet just before you try to sniff packets.  However, in the end 
you'll probably find yourself either going multithreaded or using 
alarm() and a signal handler to periodicly wake the program up to pay 
attention to other things if the pcap sniffing goes into long 
hibernation.  Or maybe both.  :-)

But then, the standard calls for getting hostnames (getaddrinfo, 
gethostbyname) block, too, so you maybe you'll throw DNS lookup code 
into another thread anyway, or else end up crafting your own DNS 
resolver code since you're already sniffing the packets....


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