Local Network Config Messed, "Host is Down"

Tofik Suleymanov tofik at oxygen.az
Fri May 20 07:23:51 PDT 2005

Jason Beebe wrote:

>Everything had been working for years on my server. However, my server
>rebooted (by the colo I believe) and now my network is messed up.
>Unfortunately, working with their support has been less than satisfactory,
>so I am consulting the experts here.
Well, the experts didnt responce :)

>The network is working properly from an external/remote point of view. I can
>ping all IPs and access the domains remotely. However, internally/locally,
>the only IP I can ping and access is my original IP. The other two IPs do
>not work locally. I cannot ping them or lynx the domains.
Could you please describe the situation in more depth:
1.  Are your network behind a NAT/FIREWALL ?
2. What does "remotely" and "internally/locally" mean in your case ?
3. Paste your network topology here.

- tofik.

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