flood with ng_bridge

Gleb Smirnoff glebius at FreeBSD.org
Mon May 16 06:08:24 PDT 2005

On Mon, May 16, 2005 at 08:46:53AM +0300, Donatas wrote:
D> > [moving discussion to freebsd-net]

I keep net@ Cc'ed. May be someone has better answer them me.

D> I am afraid our today's configuration if far different from the previous one, still - we have several interesting questions realated to bridging. maybe you'll be able to give us a little support?
D> 1. Is it possible to set briding parameters for kernel.bridge such as we can set for netgraph bridge (debugLevel=1 loopTimeout, maxStaleness, minStableAge)?


D> 2. On ng_bridge when debugLevel is -he 2, loops are logged, what is defautl path for debug file or what file is that?

They are logged as kern.warn. The default /etc/syslog.conf will write this to

D> 3. Monitorring traffic with mrtg on ngethxxx and hatm0 interfaces we can se interesting output amplitude fluctations:
D> ftp://temp:temp@
D> seems that origin of those fluctations is ng_bridge.

What is the timescale? How long one peak/pit lasts in time? I doubt that this
is related to ng_bridge.

Totus tuus, Glebius.

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