nfsrvstats.srvrpc_errs rapidly increasing

Mohan Srinivasan mohan_srinivasan at
Fri May 13 11:58:48 PDT 2005

--- Heinrich Rebehn <rebehn at> wrote:

> > There's no problem report on this. 
> I wonder if it will ever get fixed then..

It will. It's purely a question of priorities and time.

> Since i am neither familiar with kernel sources nor with the internals 
> of NFS: Could you show me, where the bug can be traced, i.e. at which 
> point one can detect that the stream is out of sync? I would like to 
> insert another log() in order to see, if
> - the error occurs at all
> - is in any way related to our problems.

For the bug where the stream gets out of sequence, you might want
to start by looking at this fragment of code in nfssvc_nfsd().

                         * For stream protocols, prepend a Sun RPC
                         * Record Mark.
                        if (sotype == SOCK_STREAM) {
                                M_PREPEND(m, NFSX_UNSIGNED, M_TRYWAIT);
                                *mtod(m, u_int32_t *) = htonl(0x80000000 | siz);


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