nfsrvstats.srvrpc_errs rapidly increasing

Mohan Srinivasan mohan_srinivasan at
Tue May 10 13:12:04 PDT 2005


The srvrcp_errs are very likely unrelated to the hangs.

nfs_rephead() is called (via the contorted macros nfsm_reply() and
friends) from the NFS server routines in nfs_serv.c. The error 
that was returned by the vnode op called is passed into 
nfs_rephead(), whence it gets into the NFS reply. The fact that
you see these errors go up is not abnormal. In your case, over
90% of these errors are ENOENT.

Are you using NFS/TCP ? Can you force the mount to NFS/UDP ?
I have seen a bug in the FreeBSD 5.x NFS server, where in the 
NFS/TCP case, the stream gets out of sync. This results in the
RPC record markers to be completely wrong, confusing clients. 
Now, I don't know if this bug can cause the Linux client to hang 
or not, but this is definitely worth eliminating as a factor. 
The FreeBSD NFS client recovers from this by tearing down the 
connection and reconnecting, other clients may behave strangely.


> In order to find the cause of the problems with our Linux NFS clients, i 
> toook a look at 'nfsstat -s' on our FreeBSD server (RELENG_5_3).
> I noticed that "Server Ret-Failed" was rapidly increasing. After 1 day 
> of uptime, it is already at 643936:
> #######################################################################
> root at antsrv1 [~] # nfsstat -s
> Server Info:
>    Getattr   Setattr    Lookup  Readlink      Read     Write    Create 
>    Remove
>    2501670    234193   1051157     12421    365378    185952     61166 
>     74050
>     Rename      Link   Symlink     Mkdir     Rmdir   Readdir  RdirPlus 
>    Access
>      60646     19767       246      1494       354      2265     50548 
>   4465364
>      Mknod    Fsstat    Fsinfo  PathConf    Commit
>         12       588       141         0    103946
> Server Ret-Failed
>             643936
> Server Faults
>              0
> Server Cache Stats:
>     Inprog      Idem  Non-idem    Misses
>          3         5         0    162819
> Server Write Gathering:
>   WriteOps  WriteRPC   Opsaved
>     185952    185952         0
> root at antsrv1 [~] # uptime
>   4:24PM  up 1 day, 17 mins, 4 users, load averages: 0.02, 0.03, 0.00
> ######################################################################
> Looking into nfsstat's source, i found that "nfsrvstats.srvrpc_errs" is 
> the counter shown. Grep-ing the kernel sources showed that it is 
> increased by /usr/src/sys/nfsserver/nfs_srvsock.c.
> It seems to be a catch-all for unexpected rpc errors.
> The procedure, nfs_rephead(), is called by nfs_srvcache.c, where 
> rp->rc_status is supplied as value for the error.
> At this point i am unable to track things any further, i am not familiar 
> with kernel sources.
> Question: is there a list of error codes somewhere?
> I hacked a log output into nfs_srvsock.c:
> --- nfs_srvsock.c       Sat Jul 24 04:07:09 2004
> +++ nfs_srvsock.ANT.c   Tue May 10 16:30:52 2005
> @@ -213,8 +213,10 @@
>          }
>          *mbp = mb;
>          *bposp = bpos;
> -       if (err != 0 && err != NFSERR_RETVOID)
> +        if (err != 0 && err != NFSERR_RETVOID){
>                  nfsrvstats.srvrpc_errs++;
> +                log(LOG_WARNING, "ANT: unknown RPC error %d\n", err);
> +        }
>          return mreq;
>   }
> Most errors (>90%) are "2", but i also see 1, 13, 17, 66, 70
> Any thoughts on this? We do have annoying problems with Linux clients 
> (2.6.8) occasionally hanging when mounting from the FBSD machine. I 
> don't know if this is related, but at least it's a point to start.
> Thanks for any help,
> 	Heinrich Rebehn
> -- 
> Heinrich Rebehn
> University of Bremen
> Physics / Electrical and Electronics Engineering
> - Department of Telecommunications -
> Phone : +49/421/218-4664
> Fax   :            -3341
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