FreeBSD and the Rose Attack / NewDawn

Gandalf The White gandalf at
Sat May 7 07:17:38 PDT 2005

Greetings and Salutations:

On 5/6/05 6:56 PM, "Mike Silbersack" <silby at> wrote:
> I'll take a look at it while I'm at BSDCan next week.  From your website's
> description of the attack, I don't see why FreeBSD would be affected so
> greatly... we must be wasting a lot of time traversing linked lists / etc.
> Mike "Silby" Silbersack

I realize that Mac OS/X has probably deviated significantly from its FreeBSD
roots, but OS/X also showed the same issues until Apple fixed the problem.

Take a look at the Linux implementation, they did a pretty good job.  It
consists of something like:
0) Store the size of packet in a variable
1) Add up the number of bytes the fragments received and continue to store /
accept fragments until ...
2) You get the final fragment.  If you have enough bytes to look like you
have the entire packet then send the fragment off for reassembly, otherwise
keep accepting fragments until you get enough fragments for the whole

The only problem I see with this is that if you have some kind of weird
routing issue where you a router or switch is duplicating fragments then the
fragmented packet may not get through unless all of the intermediate
fragments arrive before the final fragment.

Of course we won't mention some kind of injection / spoofing attack where
someone send spoofed fragmented packets to screw up the real data ...


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