gigabit ethernet (copper/fibre)

mc mc at
Mon May 2 08:32:55 PDT 2005

Hi all,

I would like to ask if anyone on the list could point me to some comparison
charts between optical fibre and copper gigabit ethernet connection?
recently I am seriously considering to upgrade some of my machines and
switches to gigabit speeds. seeing that the copper version is so much
cheaper than fibre (and easier maintenance too), I'd of course want to
deploy the copper version if possible, but I have no idea what is making the
big difference (besides the distance of the cable run?).

besides..could anyone suggest me with some gigabit nic and switches? (would
be great if you could tell me roughly the price! :)

off topic: some time ago, I have tried using intel em(4) nics (tried both
onboard and desktop version) with a cisco 2950T. the speed was terrible -
even much worse than a $cheap fxp. is this because intel+cisco =
incompatible? or is this because copper cannot achieve good performance?
(sorry for having no meaningful stats to support my question...the test was
done some years ago and at that time I was too busy to follow up the


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