TCP out-of-order packets.
Julian Elischer
julian at
Thu Jan 13 15:34:06 PST 2005
Andre Oppermann wrote:
>Julian Elischer wrote:
>>Brooks Davis wrote:
>>>On Wed, Jan 12, 2005 at 05:07:36PM -0800, Julian Elischer wrote:
>>>>I have a link which is provided by someone else that is 7 x E1s aggregated.
>>>>At leat it looks that way to me when I get to see it. however I have
>>>>only been able to get
>>>>60kB.sec across this, despite having a tcp window size of 131072 bytes..
>>>>After investigation it appears that the link is massively re-orderring
>>>>groups of upto 10 packets may appear in random order. (Maybe more, bu tI
>>>>have seen 10)
>>>>in fact packets are rarely IN order.
>>>>This plays havoc with the tcp sessions.
>>>>I was thinking of writing a hacked up version of NATD that
>>>>instead of doing NAT, just did a pre-sort on packets from each session,
>>>>so that the receiver would
>>>>see a stream of IN-order packets, with occasional delays.
>>>>firstly, does anyone have any tools to do this already (why build when
>>>>you can borrow)
>>>>and secondly, does anyone have any experience with this sort of problem?
>>>>I have no control over or access to the link.. all I have is a promise
>>>>that they will deliver
>>>>14Mb/Sec. with approc 300mSec. RTT to me but there is no promise about
>>>>packet order.
>>>>I just get a 100Mb ethernet cable.
>>>>I wonder if there's a way to turn off the sender backoff?
>Not directly. What you actually want is to delay the generating of
>ACK's for a certain amount of time (some milli-seconds) to aggregate
>the out-of-order packets into one ACK and to avoid the backoff from
>the other side.
yes, here's a trace from the receiver's end showing the order of
received packets..
RTT on this link is about 300mSec.
My original answer would be to hack NATD to re-order the packets.
and use DIVERT to it.
DeltaT SEQ-SRTR:SEQ_END packet#
346853 2856:2920(64) 1
370821 2920:4368(1448) 2
004410 8712:10160(1448) 6
007848 12608:14056(1448) 9
007057 18400:19848(1448) 13
004027 11160:12608(1448) 8
005553 4368:5816(1448) 3
002390 16952:18400(1448) 12
005745 7264:8712(1448) 5
001204 5816:7264(1448) 4
008326 14056:15504(1448) 10
002555 10160:11160(1000) 7
004091 19848:21296(1448) 14
004287 15504:16952(1448) 11
358289 22744:24192(1448) 16
001891 21296:22744(1448) 15
048289 4368:5816(1448) DUP of 3
025538 5816:7264(1448) DUP of 4
018761 10160:11608(1448) DUP of 7
062939 25640:27088(1448) 18
005493 15504:16952(1448) DUP of 11
007903 24192:25640(1448) 17
002207 27088:28536(1448) 19
028675 21296:22744(1448) DUP of 15
176400 28536:29984(1448) 20
020889 29984:31432(1448) 21
092304 24192:25640(1448) DUP of 17
038396 31432:32880(1448) 22
015146 32880:34328(1448) 23
010362 27088:28536(1448) DUP of 19
027400 35776:37224(1448) 25
008269 28536:29984(1448) DUP of 20
012537 34328:35776(1448) 24
294035 37224:38672(1448) 26
078059 34328:35776(1448) DUP of 24
267701 40120:41568(1448) 28
017393 38672:40120(1448) 27
019769 41568:43016(1448) 29
339347 44464:45912(1448) 31
003887 43016:44464(1448) 30
123755 45912:47360(1448) 32
228883 47360:48808(1448) 33
013437 48808:50256(1448) 34
219579 50256:51704(1448) 35
144501 51704:53152(1448) 36
001200 53152:54600(1448) 37
029175 54600:56048(1448) 38
183158 56048:57496(1448) 39
157127 58944:60392(1448) 40
By here the sender has backed right off.
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