redundant ethernet interfaces

Marko Lerota marko.lerota at
Fri Feb 18 00:22:22 PST 2005

I have two nic bge0 and bge0, and I would like them 
to have the same IP address in case that my redundant 
switch stop responding. Bridge is not an option, 
I tried with netgraph but I did not succeed. 
Does anyone have some solution?

I followed the examples from google groups and I stuck with
duplicated packets when both ethernets are plugged and 
50% packet loss when one ethernet is unplugged, damn !!#@!#@!$%^@$#@

here is my config 

ifconfig_bge0=" netmask media 100baseTX mediaopt
ifconfig_bge1="media 100baseTX mediaopt full-duplex"

and  /usr/local/etc/rc.d/

ifconfig bge1 up
kldload /boot/kernel/ng_ether.ko
kldload /boot/kernel/ng_one2many.ko
ngctl mkpeer bge0: one2many upper one
ngctl connect bge0: bge0:upper lower many0
ngctl connect bge1: bge0:upper lower many1
ngctl msg bge1: setpromisc 1
ngctl msg bge1: setautosrc 0
ngctl msg bge0:upper setconfig "{xmitAlg=1 failAlg=1 enabledLinks =[ 1
1 ] }" 

manual for this sucks 

One cannot sell the earth upon which the people walk
                               			Tacunka Witco 

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