altq for vlans?

Robert Watson rwatson at
Sun Feb 13 15:06:44 PST 2005

On Sun, 13 Feb 2005, David Gilbert wrote:

> Has anyone considered patching the vlan driver to support altq?  I
> gather that since tun works, so should vlan. 

My understanding is that ALTQ processing occurs in the context of
persisting outgoing packet queues -- the queueing going into the vlan
driver is minimal, as the vlan driver immediately hands packets off to the
underlying driver output queue.  As such, my guess is that (a) there would
be little or no effect to adding ALTQ processing the vlan interfaces since
packets only ever live fleetingly in vlan queues, and (b) ALTQ processing
already happens on the underlying interface, so you probably don't need it
at the vlan layer, although you might look at vlan tags in deciding how to
drop/etc the vlan-sourced messages in the underlying interface queue.

Robert N M Watson

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