routing problem (with corrected scheme)

Julian Elischer julian at
Wed Aug 31 08:26:24 GMT 2005

> Good morning,
> after comprehensive tests I am glad to inform that your suggestions works
> just fine, so - thanks for help solving our problem.
> Truth, i've got one question realated to the exampel rule below:
>>ipfw add 1000 fwd ip4 ip from any to any out recv em0 xmit vlan{mumble}
> After several tests i have recognized that localy generated packets (like
> icmp traffic) never matches this rule. The problem is in "xmit
> vlan{number}" part. Is it so because of different place of packet input?
> Transit packets come to firewall from ether_demux and passes the rule,
> while localy generated packets come to firewall from ip_input and fails

locally generated packets do not match    recv em0

> this rule? Using "pass" instead of "fwd" results in the same.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Julian Elischer" <julian at>
> To: "Donatas" <donatas at>
> Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2005 8:31 AM
> Subject: Re: routing problem (with corrected scheme)
>> did my sugestion work?

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