1000BaseSX 1000BaseLX confusion?

Petri Helenius pete at he.iki.fi
Mon Aug 8 19:13:44 GMT 2005

Steve Shorter wrote:

>	I was wondering how come the listed media types supported
>by sk(4) and em(4) is only 1000BaseSX. Even for single mode
>1000BaseLX NICs such as sk 9841 and Intel PWLA8490LX, ifconfig
>show the media type as 1000BaseSX. Though the NIC appears to operate in
>single mode connected to a LX switch port ok.
>	From what I can understand SX supports only multimode fibre
>and LX supports both.
>	How come there isn't 1000BaseLX for a displayed media type, and
>is it really single mode?

The driver does not make a difference between the optics installed on 
the card. Maybe it should?


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